Jeremy, Jake, Naomi, & Amelie

Before/After July 31, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — jephotography @ 12:34 am

So here is my little distraction for the afternoon. Sometimes, I need a hands on creative outlet, and need it STAT. I’m not a “crafts” person, at all. I totally stink at anything paper crafty. I admire you peeps out there who love it and are good at it. Anyhow. I love the feeling of taking something boring, and over looked and sprucing it up.  I have done this with a few pieces in my home, and sometimes fantasize of getting rid of all my furniture and starting over. It’s a sickness. It took me 3 hours total to do this. From Purchase to Photo finish.

Anyhow, here is my little Before/After **  DIY**  Why I burned Dinner…

Cute Mid-centuryish chair. I really wanted to keep the wood natural but there were to many boo boos and the wood wasn’t as pretty as I hoped.

After a good sanding/and painting and re-upholstering….Voila!

Just what I was hoping for! Happy girl, Happy Mama.


3 Responses to “Before/After”

  1. Dinah Beckman Says:

    This is beautiful Becky! So many hidden talents. I am so proud of you.

  2. pedro Says:

    I dunno, that looks pretty crafty to me. Beware – the DIY bug is hard to get rid of onec you have caught it.

  3. Anne-Laure Says:

    Nice mrs Belle-cousine ! And…kind of crafty, I would say 🙂

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